API Reference

There are two classes in kneed: KneeLocator identifies the knee/elbow point(s) and and DataGenerator creates synthetic x and y numpy arrays to explore kneed.


class kneed.knee_locator.KneeLocator(x: Iterable[float], y: Iterable[float], S: float = 1.0, curve: str = 'concave', direction: str = 'increasing', interp_method: str = 'interp1d', online: bool = False, polynomial_degree: int = 7)

Once instantiated, this class attempts to find the point of maximum curvature on a line. The knee is accessible via the .knee attribute.

  • x (array-like) – x values.
  • y (array-like) – y values.
  • S (float) – Sensitivity, original paper suggests default of 1.0
  • curve (str) – If ‘concave’, algorithm will detect knees. If ‘convex’, it will detect elbows.
  • direction (str) – one of {“increasing”, “decreasing”}
  • interp_method (str) – one of {“interp1d”, “polynomial”}
  • online (bool) – kneed will correct old knee points if True, will return first knee if False
  • polynomial_degree (int) – The degree of the fitting polynomial. Only used when interp_method=”polynomial”. This argument is passed to numpy polyfit deg parameter.
  • x (array-like) – x values.
  • y (array-like) – y values.
  • S (integer) – Sensitivity, original paper suggests default of 1.0
  • curve (str) – If ‘concave’, algorithm will detect knees. If ‘convex’, it will detect elbows.
  • direction (str) – one of {“increasing”, “decreasing”}
  • interp_method (str) – one of {“interp1d”, “polynomial”}
  • online (str) – kneed will correct old knee points if True, will return first knee if False
  • polynomial_degree (int) – The degree of the fitting polynomial. Only used when interp_method=”polynomial”. This argument is passed to numpy polyfit deg parameter.
  • N (integer) – The number of x values in the
  • all_knees (set) – A set containing all the x values of the identified knee points.
  • all_norm_knees (set) – A set containing all the normalized x values of the identified knee points.
  • all_knees_y (list) – A list containing all the y values of the identified knee points.
  • all_norm_knees_y (list) – A list containing all the normalized y values of the identified knee points.
  • Ds_y (numpy array) – The y values from the fitted spline.
  • x_normalized (numpy array) – The normalized x values.
  • y_normalized (numpy array) – The normalized y values.
  • x_difference (numpy array) – The x values of the difference curve.
  • y_difference (numpy array) – The y values of the difference curve.
  • maxima_indices (numpy array) – The indices of each of the maxima on the difference curve.
  • maxima_indices – The indices of each of the maxima on the difference curve.
  • x_difference_maxima (numpy array) – The x values from the difference curve where the local maxima are located.
  • y_difference_maxima (numpy array) – The y values from the difference curve where the local maxima are located.
  • minima_indices (numpy array) – The indices of each of the minima on the difference curve.
  • minima_indices – The indices of each of the minima on the difference curve.
  • x_difference_minima (numpy array) – The x values from the difference curve where the local minima are located.
  • y_difference_minima (numpy array) – The y values from the difference curve where the local minima are located.
  • Tmx (numpy array) – The y values that correspond to the thresholds on the difference curve for determining the knee point.
  • knee (float) – The x value of the knee point.
  • knee_y (float) – The y value of the knee point.
  • norm_knee (float) – The normalized x value of the knee point.
  • norm_knee_y (float) – The normalized y value of the knee point.
  • all_knees – The x values of all the identified knee points.
  • all_knees_y – The y values of all the identified knee points.
  • all_norm_knees – The normalized x values of all the identified knee points.
  • all_norm_knees_y – The normalized y values of all the identified knee points.
  • elbow (float) – The x value of the elbow point (elbow and knee are interchangeable).
  • elbow_y (float) – The y value of the knee point (elbow and knee are interchangeable).
  • norm_elbow – The normalized x value of the knee point (elbow and knee are interchangeable).
  • norm_elbow_y (float) – The normalized y value of the knee point (elbow and knee are interchangeable).
  • all_elbows (set) – The x values of all the identified knee points (elbow and knee are interchangeable).
  • all_elbows_y – The y values of all the identified knee points (elbow and knee are interchangeable).
  • all_norm_elbows (set) – The normalized x values of all the identified knee points (elbow and knee are interchangeable).
  • all_norm_elbowss_y – The normalized y values of all the identified knee points (elbow and knee are interchangeable).

Plotting methods

There are two methods for basic visualizations of the knee/elbow point(s).

KneeLocator.plot_knee(figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None)

Plot the curve and the knee, if it exists

Parameters:figsize – Optional[Tuple[int, int] The figure size of the plot. Example (12, 8)
KneeLocator.plot_knee_normalized(figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None)

Plot the normalized curve, the difference curve (x_difference, y_normalized) and the knee, if it exists.

Parameters:figsize – Optional[Tuple[int, int] The figure size of the plot. Example (12, 8)


class kneed.data_generator.DataGenerator

Generate synthetic data to work with kneed.

static bumpy() → Tuple[Iterable[float], Iterable[float]]

Generate a sample function with local minima/maxima.

Returns:tuple(x, y)
static concave_decreasing() → Tuple[Iterable[float], Iterable[float]]

Generate a sample decreasing concave function.

Returns:tuple(x, y)
static concave_increasing() → Tuple[Iterable[float], Iterable[float]]

Generate a sample increasing concave function.

Returns:tuple(x, y)
static convex_decreasing() → Tuple[Iterable[float], Iterable[float]]

Generate a sample decreasing convex function.

Returns:tuple(x, y)
static convex_increasing() → Tuple[Iterable[float], Iterable[float]]

Generate a sample increasing convex function.

Returns:tuple(x, y)
static figure2() → Tuple[Iterable[float], Iterable[float]]

Recreate the values in figure 2 from the original kneedle paper.

Returns:tuple(x, y)
static noisy_gaussian(mu: float = 50, sigma: float = 10, N: int = 100, seed=42) → Tuple[Iterable[float], Iterable[float]]

Recreate NoisyGaussian from the orignial kneedle paper.

  • mu – The mean value to build a normal distribution around
  • sigma – The standard deviation of the distribution.
  • N – The number of samples to draw from to build the normal distribution.
  • seed – An integer to set the random seed.

tuple(x, y)